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I’m starting my goal setting process for the New Year

Reading Time: 2 minutes

This year has been the biggest rollercoaster and I don’t think I would have it any other way. I crossed four things off my wellness bucket list and while that doesn’t sound like a lot, the things that I accomplished were a big deal.

I started the year with a tonsillectomy and that had me stuck in bed for a few weeks. My diet at the time was nonexistant and by the time I got back to the gym I felt like I had been gone for too long. I was so excited to get back to normal eating and setting gym goals. I registered for three 5Ks, including a real timed race and started working on getting my time faster. I can’t believe I can say that my time is around 9 minutes.

After meeting a bikini competitor and having lunch with her to talk about her experiences, I made the decision to shoot for the stars and train for my first bikini competition. I went from 174 pounds to 150 for the show, a size 10 to a size 6. Even with a 3 pound post-show weight gain, I am so damn pleased with what I accomplished.

I’m working on my list for next year, but I do know it includes two bikini competitions.

As for the rest of this year, I have set a goal of 3 morning workouts a week for the month of December, at least 1 class at my gym, 2 days of lifting wherever they fit in the week. So far so good, 3 mornings have been crushed this week. I’m planning on getting a lift in tomorrow and Saturday. I don’t see myself getting to a class this week because of work, but I’ll plan better for next week.

I’m excited for the close of this year and the start of next. I know big things are coming!

Happy goal setting!


<3 Cristina

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