Individual Coaching

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Free Consult

All coaching services include a free consult.

All consultations include an intake questionnaire that dives into your health and wellness history, goals, and what’s bringing you to coaching. As a trauma-informed coach who works primarily with neurodiverse folx, I understand how paperwork can be a barrier and it can feel daunting to fill this out.

This is not a failure. We will go over those questions together during the consultation. The consultation is our opportunity to get to know each other and determine if this is a working relationship that will help you reach your goals.

Concepts I bring to coaching are both system and individual approaches as there are many social determinants that impact our ability to make healthy decisions including income, housing, feeling safe where we live, access to transportation, social support, access to food to name a few.

I work to meet every client where they are and I believe in culturally appropriate care that honors the whole person perspective. Religion, racism, ethnicity and our past experiences show up on a daily basis and inform how we feel as we go through this world.

For those in need, payment plans and financial reductions are available to be determined during the consultation process.

Monthly Personal Training (Virtual) – $200

Like in-person training, we will go through assessments, talk about your experience including limitations and previous injuries, talk about your training goals over a video call. Workouts are designed with not only your goals and abilities in mind, but your equipment access, which means you can train anywhere – at home, at the gym, on vacation if you want to. Virtual programming is designed for clients to perform on their own with little guidance, however, we will discuss and implement exercise modifications as necessary.

Programming is delivered via the Trainerize Fitness app.

8-Week Trauma-Informed Health and Wellness Coaching (Virtual) – $1,000

Health and wellness coaching is a comprehensive approach to your health goals. We will integrate exercise and activity as a part of well-being along with strategies for nutrition, mental and emotional health.

In the initial weeks, we will dive into some basics of coaching like:

  • Develop your short-term and long-term goals
  • Develop your “why”
  • Determine personal definitions for success and failure to help create an environment for personal evaluation
  • Develop a timeline and action plan for your goals
  • Develop and implement organizational strategies to benchmark timeline

Topics and features of H&W Coaching:

  • Holistic well-being as the interconnectedness of mental, emotional and physical well-being impacts our every day lives. This could include:
    • Non-diet approach nutrition education and coaching (not prescription meal plans)
    • General exploration of exercise and joyful movement that acknowledges your abilities and limitations
    • Custom strength training and cardiorespiratory programming that compliments your health goals (if appropriate)
  • Mind-body connection navigation that helps you become more in tune with yourself and how your mental health plays a role on your physical health. This could include:
    • Developing and implementing self-care strategies
  • Cultivating emotional resilience that helps you navigate life’s ups and down so you can respond to daily stressors instead of react.
  • Supportive environment that allows you to succeed and fail safely with making progress on your own terms

8-Week Trauma-Informed Executive and Life Coaching (Virtual) – $1,000

In executive and life coaching we focus on your own growth as leader, which may include your leadership style and coaching skills necessary to support yourself and others. I embrace the principles of trauma-informed coaching and care, which guide discussions and consider your personal experiences as they influence how you participate in the world personally and professionally.

Topics and features of E&L Coaching:

  • Holistic well-being as the interconnectedness of mental, emotional and physical well-being impacts our every day lives.
  • Developing emotional intelligence to understand and manage emotions effectively, building resilience, and enhancing interpersonal relationships in the workplace and personal life.
  • What it means to create safe and inclusive spaces that give you space to explore your goals, challenges and aspirations.
  • Growth through reflection encourages you to explore and process experiences as they shape your present.
  • Professional excellence is cultivated through our work together to help you serve others.

All coaching services utilize HIPAA compliant Zoom and are hosted via video call.

For recent testimonials and reviews, please visit Facebook.