Free Write

4 questions that help work through the anxiety ‘slowing down‘ gives me

What are your biggest challenges? For January WordPress is sharing prompts with bloggers and I thought I would incorporate ones that resonated with me. Slowing down is my biggest challenge. It’s something that I’ve been working on for what seems like my whole adult life. I’ve gotten so much better at slowing down because I’m… Continue reading 4 questions that help work through the anxiety ‘slowing down‘ gives me

Traveling Man

Traveling Man: Everything is new, – new therapist, new job, new routine

One thing I love that a lot of poets do on the open mic is declare that they're performing new shit. If life is a stage, then I would've said it every day last year. Something that I'm coming to terms with - almost a year later, is how significant the transitions I've gone through… Continue reading Traveling Man: Everything is new, – new therapist, new job, new routine

Traveling Man

Traveling Man: Toss it in the dumpster and light it on fire

When the morning is quiet I hear everything. I used to hate this, now it only kind of annoys me. The fridge is humming. The water is shifting in the pipes. Birds are outside. My pulse in my ear sounds like the ocean. My breathing - sometimes steady, sometimes sounding forced, but not quite like… Continue reading Traveling Man: Toss it in the dumpster and light it on fire

Traveling Man

Traveling Man: Growth, Resiliency and Identity

I've deleted this post a few times. I’ve been writing it for about a month. At one point it was 500 words - I had punched in out in 10 minutes and then sat back and thought, no, this isn't what I want to say. That happens from time to time. Maybe it's because the… Continue reading Traveling Man: Growth, Resiliency and Identity

General Post

Stepping into life again kind of anxiety

I’ve been feeling like I want to throw up all morning. My chest has felt tight too. I felt fine when I woke up. But you know what they say about being fine. I called the electric company because I still hadn’t received confirmation that they turned off the electric at the apartment we moved… Continue reading Stepping into life again kind of anxiety

Wellness Refocused Education

Tips for Getting Through Social Eating

In a perfect world it would be easy to say "this is one meal, I'm going to enjoy it," but we know that often one meal can become two, which can become a whole day. Mindset matters, but so does experience. In the United States about two-thirds of adult Americans are considered overweight or obese… Continue reading Tips for Getting Through Social Eating

Running on Quotes

Day 315, Quote 39: “All is calm, all is bright.”

“You’ll shoot your eye out.” Not the best movie, but definitely a cult classic that I convinced JP to watch last year. “Seeing is believing, but sometimes the most real things in the world are things we can’t see.” The Polar Express was the first book my grandmother bought me as a child that I… Continue reading Day 315, Quote 39: “All is calm, all is bright.”

Running on Quotes

Day 304, Quote 38 “Life starts all over again”

Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall. - F. Scott Fitzgerald Far too often we find ourselves thinking about what we don’t have. When we goal set we’re thinking of everything we have to do in order to get where we want to be. When we scroll online, we see… Continue reading Day 304, Quote 38 “Life starts all over again”