Budgeted Eats

Budgeted Eats Recipe: Shakshuka

A couple of years ago I had brunch with a friend on Newbury Street. I'm a big proponent of trying new things when dining out because the hope is that the chef knows the perfect preparation and that it's something I can try to recreate on my own. I tried Shakshuka, also spelled shakshouka at… Continue reading Budgeted Eats Recipe: Shakshuka

Wellness Refocused Education

Wellness Refocused Education: Traditional or Organic? You should wash your produce regardless.

We've talked before about the purpose of organic - it's about community health, not consumer health. However, lower pesticide use or utilization of different pesticides doesn't mean that bacteria is non-existent. Rinsing can help eliminate debris from produce and some bacteria, but a vinegar solution may be more effective for certain kinds of bacteria.


Recipe: Roasted Red Pepper Spread (~4 servings)

A friend of mine is doing Whole 30 because she has some concerns digestively. I have nothing against an elimination diet when used appropriately. There are other diets like FODMAP that eliminate a kind of food and have an introductory period to help the individual determine what foods may or may not be leading to… Continue reading Recipe: Roasted Red Pepper Spread (~4 servings)


Recipe: Grilled Chicken Wrap with Homemade Honey Mustard Sauce

Last weekend we bought a bag of avocados and while I am all for eating half an avocado with a meal, I've also wanted to find some new recipes. I found a number that looked intriguing, but many were salads. I'm not anti-salad, I freaking love salad, but I also really love sandwiches and this… Continue reading Recipe: Grilled Chicken Wrap with Homemade Honey Mustard Sauce


Recipe: Paleo-ish Zucchini Bread

I feel like many people who utilize Pinterest and other platforms to get inspiration for recipes there will never truly be enough days to have time to make them all. As someone who also appreciates fitness and living a healthy lifestyle, it can also be hard to find a way to balance the competing ideas.… Continue reading Recipe: Paleo-ish Zucchini Bread

General Post

A week in review – week 3 of the reverse diet

Yesterday marked the last day of my third week reversing my diet since the Cutler Classic. To say this week was easy would be a lie, but to say it was hard would be a stretch too. At the beginning of the week I was traveling for work. Just like prep, I researched what was… Continue reading A week in review – week 3 of the reverse diet


Recipe: sweet pumpkin spice butternut squash

Sweet potatoes, pumpkins and squash are essentially relatives, so why not treat them similarly? I understand that many squashes have distinct flavors such as acorn squash being a little more nutty, but butternut squash I believe has a lot of diversity. I'm going out on a limb to say that I think there are two… Continue reading Recipe: sweet pumpkin spice butternut squash